Disclaimer: Possible minor spoilers.
So, The Dark Knight Rises, the third and final instalment of the Batman trilogy finally released this week! And it's probably the most anticipated movie of the year.
Do I love this movie? Hell yeah! Udah minggu ke-2 rilis di Indonesia dan gw udah nonton filmya... 4 kali! Mihihihi!! Pas premiere nonton sendiri (karena geng Jiwa Grogol pada mau bertapa buat ujian), weekendnya nonton sama pacar, terus nonton sama tahabat-tahabat telcinta, terakhir nonton IMAX-nya sama pacar (finally, I'm no longer an IMAX virgin! Yay!!). Dan berhubung abis ini gw libur sebulan kayanya sih bakal nonton lagi #FansChristianBaleDanDCComicsGarisKeras!
Even though I thought the movie was a brilliant ending to wrapped up the trilogy, some of this questions still popped into my mind...
- Kenapa disaat Bruce Wayne tambah tua, Alfred Pennyworth tampangnya tetep 'segitu-segitu aja'. In fact, he didn't aged at all since Batman Begins. Does he have a unicorn blood or something?
- Berapa gaji Alfred Pennyworth? Maak! Enak bener jadi butler tiap taon bisa liburan ke Yurop!
- Selina Kyle is supposed to be poor kan ya di film ini? But where does she get those expensive Catwoman costume? From the money that she's stole? Does somebody give it to her? How? (Oh, beberapa taun kedepan mau ada film spin-off Catwoman ya? Mungkin bisa menjawab pertanyaan gw ini nantinya)
- Kenapa Catwomannya agresip bener sik? Nyosor Batman 3 kali aja gitu! Ih benci akuu! *cemburu buta*
- It's been said that Bane has been one of Batman's most physically and intellectually powerful foe. But.. hmm, I don't know ya.. He doesn't seem to be intellectual to me. Looks like an ordinary cold-blooded mercenary aja gitu. It must be the costume that makes him looks
dumbless smart IMO. - Talking about his costume. Kenapa tangannya Bane selalu megangin kerah coat-nya gitu sih? Kaya anak SD bawa-bawa ransel gitu deh gayanya. Gengges!
- Another thing about Bane. His mask. Katanya kan itu berisi anaesthetic agent gitu ya yang membuat dia gak merasa sakit karena wajahnya ancur. Nah, where does the anaesthetic agent comes from? Because I don't see any tubes/tanks/anything that could provide such thing. Apa anaesthetic agent-nya disintesis dari udara bebas? How????
- And how does he eat with that mask on? Harus dilepas dulu kalo makan? Berarti dia ngerasa sakit dong pas makan karena topengnya dilepas?
- Did I saw him injecting his body with something? What is it? Steroid? The mysterious anaesthetic agent?
- Bane broke Batman's back (vertebra) during the fight. And the protruding vertebra was easily placed back to it's place with a simple punch on the back. And shortly after, Bruce/Batman got back to his healthy normal self. Guess what? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, ALRIGHT! Bruce supposed to be paralysed or something!
- Kenapa SEMUA POLISI diperintahkan buat menuju ke saluran air (yang kemudian bikin SEMUA POLISI terperangkap di reruntuhan selama berhari-hari). Dipikir tempat laen di kota segede itu gak butuh polisi apa? Gimana kalo tiba-tiba ada tindak kriminal, kecelakaan lalu lintas, dll di bagian lain Gotham sedangkan SEMUA POLISI diperintahkan buat pergi kedalam saluran air? It just didn't make any sense.
- Kenapa Christian Bale ganteng banget?
*pertanyaan terakhir boleh diabaikan*
Maybe I'm over analysing the movie. Maybe I should just enjoy it the way it is. Tapi salahnya om Nolan juga yang bikin film ini 'se-realistis mungkin', jadi begitu nemu bagian-bagian yang (gw) dirasa 'kurang realistis', we demand some more answer for those. Kenyataannya juga, setelah nonton film ini jadi terbentuk 2 kubu; kubu orang-orang yang emang dasarnya gak suka komik tapi toh tetep nonton filmnya saking hebohnya, dan kubu DC Comics fanboys (and girls).
Kubu pertama, hampir sama reaksinya kaya gw, menemukan banyak 'keganjilan' di film yang ujung-ujungnya mengecap film ini 'overrated'. Sedangkan kubu kedua mati-matian ngebela jagoan idolanya ini. Akhirnya twitwar deh pada, hahahaha.
Gw? Baleheads iya. DC Comics fangirl iya. Tapi toh tetep bertanya-tanya tentang beberapa hal di filmnya. Mungkin emang yang paling bener kalo nonton film-film superhero kaya gini gak boleh over analysed ya? Nonton lagi aja deh yuk :)
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Selama kamu yang main film, mau jalan ceritanya sebodoh apapun, aku bakal tetep suka kok, Sayang :* |