Saturday, September 29, 2012

Guruku Berbulu dan Berekor

September (well, this September) is not all gloomy and sad for me. I do still mourning and recovering from my recent breakup, but life goes on, right? ;)

Masih inget taun lalu gw bikin postingan buat para pecinta binatang yang tertarik ceritanya dibukukan untuk kirim email ke Indi 'Sugar' Taufik, salah satu penulis favorit gw itu? Kalo gak inget boleh klik disini kakaakk...

Gw iseng-iseng ngirim email ke Indi tentang cerita anjing gw Wawa yang udah pergi ke surga. It was quite surprising karena selesai ngetik cerita yang mau gw kirimkan itu, gw langsung nangis sesenggukan selama setengah jam lebih. Padahal Wawa udah pergi lebih dari 3 tahun sebelum gw ngirim cerita itu. But I still remember her every now and then, and her death still affects me a lot. In fact, to this day I'm still a little bit chocked up whenever I'm talking about her, or even just remembered her. Maybe that's what you feel when you lost a precious friend in your life, ya?

Singkat cerita, gw menunggu selama hampir setahun sampe akhirnya beberapa waktu yang lalu dapet email dari Indi yang ngabarin gw kalo my story made the cut to her new book! Wooooo!!!!!! Alhamdulillah girang banget rasanya! Bangga dan terharuuu, hehehehe.

Gw pun mendapatkan bukunya seminggu sebelum bukunya dirilis. It was an awesome experience to see your writing published on a book! Finally now I can call myself an author dong yaa? Hehehe. Siapa tau kedepannya bisa nerbitin novel sendiri, atau punya kolom sendiri kaya Carrie Bradshaw gitu. Aaamiinn!!! :D

Sayangnya gw gak bisa hadir di acara launching bukunya di Bandung tanggal 16 September kemarin, yang ada gw malah putus sama laki gw *halah curhat* hahahahaha. But that's okay, tetep bahagia dan bersyukur bisa ambil bagian buat buku ini.

The Cover

Signed page from Indi

My story! It's on chapter 3 ya everybody! Catet!!!
*terserah lo aja Lu...*

Terus, terus, dapet royalti dong ya setelah bukunya diterbitin? Dengan bangga gw umumkan, gw GAK DAPET ROYALTI SEPESERPUN dari hasil pembelian buku ini. Semua loyalti akan disumbangkan ke animal shelter(s) yang membutuhkan. Hal satu lagi yang bikin gw bangga, bisa membantu hewan-hewan lucu agar hidupnya lebih baik.

Jadi buat bloggies semuanya, kalo suka baca, kalo sayang binatang, kalo penasaran cerita gw kaya apa di novel itu *plakk!!!*, ayo dibeli novel Guruku Berbulu dan Berekor. Berisi 36 cerita pendek yang indah, mengharukan, dan menginspirasi dari teman-teman pecinta hewan diseluruh Indonesia. Itung-itung sambil beramal juga kan kalo beli bukunya. Go grab it fast at your nearest bookstore, guys! :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy (Un)anniversary

So, on this third anniversary, we decided to separated.

Many people might ask 'why?', well, let's just say that in some relationship a couple could grow up together, and in some they just grow apart. Mine was the second one.

The lack of communications this past year (due to my co-assistant duty in various hospitals in various towns, and him working overtime a lot) leads to a feeling that we're not in the same page anymore. Also the fact that when I'm ready to take the relationship to the next level while he's not, is the deal breaker for both of us.

The tears and pain of the broken heart is definitely there. We love each other (or at least I love him) but we're not longer in love with each other. And he's done trying while I'm still do. That's the most hurtful part of it all for me.

Well, the damage is done now. All I want to say to you, dear Smeagol, are these;

Thanks for the good, bad, and wonderful memories this past 3 years. Thanks for always took a good care of me, I really appreciate everything. 

You know the introvert part of me. You know I have a little inner circle filled with few people that I can trust in my life. And I believe God made you one of those people for me. Not as a partner, but as a brother and a good friend.

I'll wish the best luck for you and your future. Our future. With whoever we'll end up with at the end of the day. You might find your beautiful princess and I might find my charming prince. Or maybe we'll end up finding each other again so many years from now like Carrie Bradshaw and Mr Big did. Or maybe... I'm going to marry Christian Bale instead! Who knows? God always have a tacky yet wonderful sense of humour, right? :D *ngarep*

For now, I just hope we can maintain our friendship, because that's what is left of us. Your future partner or mine might be disapproving, but I believe somehow all of us can overcome that. Because when we grow apart, doesn't mean that we stop growing up :)

With warmest respect,

p.s. : I'm adopting Mototo, Acucup, Ducky, and Pukpuk! I demand full custody of them! Gak boleh protes!! Hehehe...